Frequently Asked Questions

The General Plan is the document that provides the foundation for Soledad’s growth and development. A General Plan is often described as the “constitution” that guides the development of a city, typically for a 20-year time period. It establishes a vision for the future, as well as the policies and implementation measures that will help the community achieve that vision. It addresses the nine topics required under State law: land use, housing, open space, circulation, conservation, safety, noise, environmental justice, and air quality. It is the foundation on which all land use and regulatory decisions are made.

Every city and county in California must adopt a general plan, per State law. The State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) guidance states that General Plans have traditionally had a 15- to 20-year horizon. To achieve this, most experts agree that the General Plan needs to be updated every 10 years so that it is updated on a rolling basis that accounts for the 15- to 20-year horizon.

The City last comprehensively updated the Soledad General Plan in 2005. The General Plan Update will provide an opportunity for the community to review the current policies and make changes that will guide Soledad through the next 20 years. Furthermore, the City will need to incorporate new information and policy guidance to remain compliant with current State law (see next question).

The General Plan determines how and where future growth and development may occur, and how growth will be managed to protect the quality of life in the city. It also serves as the foundation for zoning requirements, which specify how you can use your property and how your neighbors and others can use their properties. Moreover, the General Plan specifies how the City will make decisions about important issues that affect all of us, like traffic, jobs, housing, environmental quality, natural hazards, and public services, including how to prioritize improvements and investments related to these issues. Other specific ways that the General Plan could affect you are:

  • How easy it is to get to your job and services
  • Where housing, businesses, schools, and other land uses are located in your community
  • The number and quality of parks available to you
  • How the transportation system is improved to meet the needs of your community
  • The risks to you and your property from hazards
  • How cultural and natural resources around you are conserved

We encourage you to get involved so the General Plan will include your ideas and vision for Soledad’s future.

The General Plan Update is an opportunity for community members to discuss how the city will grow through 2045. There will be many opportunities to participate, including community events, online engagement, and public hearings. You can join the mailing list to receive updates about upcoming events.

The General Plan will reflect the community’s vision and priorities, and your voice is crucial to produce a Plan that establishes a shared vision for the City’s future. When you participate in the process through a workshop discussion, survey, online activity, or comment at a public hearing, your comment will be documented and compiled as part of a summary from that event. City staff will look to that input for guidance when drafting components of the General Plan, and we will share that input with decision-makers, like the Planning Commission and City Council, for consideration when we ask for their direction at key milestones.

The General Plan is being led by staff from the Community and Economic Development Department. Bryan Swanson, Community & Economic Development Director, can be reached at or at (831) 223-5179. Ariana Mora-Jacobo, Assistant Planner, can be reached at or at (831) 223-5020. The City also selected a multidisciplinary consultant team that is led by PlaceWorks, and supported by  BAE Urban Economics and Kimley-Horn.

The General Plan process will be ongoing and take approximately two and a half years to complete. The General Plan is expected to be adopted in 2025. Check out the project timeline on the Projects and Components page.


