
 The final vision statement establishes the principles to guide City policies and decisions about future growth, housing, economy, safety, and other key topics based on input from Soledad residents. On May 1, 2024, the City Council discussed and finalized the General Plan Vision and Guiding Principles (Visión y principios que nos guían en Español). 

The Draft Vision and Guiding Principles (Visión y principios que nos guían en Español) is the first pass at capturing the community’s vision for Soledad in 2045.

This Briefing Book (Libro Informativo en Español) highlights the unique features of Soledad, as well as the challenges the community faces over the next several decades. It offers a snapshot of current conditions – how land is used, how people move around, how the economy works, and how municipal services support the community – and summarizes anticipated growth, major development projects, economic trends, agricultural resource opportunities, environmental justice issues, and more. 

The information in the Briefing Book is intended to establish a shared understanding of these important characteristics to highlight what the community can build from and what the General Plan Update will need to address.

The existing conditions reports below offer a snapshot of current conditions in Soledad. 

In 2005, the City of Soledad adopted its current General Plan. Soledad’s General Plan is the legal document that serves as the city’s “blueprint” or “constitution” for land use and development. State law requires every city and county in California to adopt and maintain a General Plan that is comprehensive and long-term. The updated General Plan will reflect the issues, ideas, and aspirations of today and plan ahead for the next twenty years. Although the updated General Plan will supersede the 2005 General Plan, the updated General Plan may carry forward policy language that is still serving the community well. Policies and actions that have been accomplished, are no longer relevant, or have been redefined through the update process will be deleted or revised.

The City Council adopted the 2019 Mid-Cycle Housing Element on January 8, 2020. In addition to the General Plan Update, the City of Soledad is working on its 6th Cycle Housing Element for 2023-2031. This is an important planning document that affects the future of housing development in the city.

HCD Second Submittal Draft, April 2024

On March 7, 2024, the City of Soledad received a letter with findings from HCD on its 2023-2031 Housing Element. In response to this feedback, the City has revised the draft. See links below to review.

Click here to review the draft Housing Element with tracked changes.

Click here to review the draft Housing Element clean copy.

Revised HCD Submittal Draft, February 2024

On February 1, 2024, the City of Soledad received preliminary feedback from HCD on its 2023-2031 Housing Element. In response to this feedback, the City has revised the draft. See links below to review. 

Click here to review the draft Housing Element with tracked changes.

Click here to review the draft Housing Element clean copy.

First HCD Submittal Draft, December 2023

The City of Soledad submitted a draft of its 2023-2031 Housing Element to HCD for its 90-day initial review on December 8, 2023. Click here to review.

Public Review Draft, August 2023

The City of Soledad released the Public Review Draft of its 2023-2031 Housing Element on August 25, 2023. Click here to review.
